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Graduation Ceremonies

The first day of March is graduation day for high schools across Japan. As this year was my second time witnessing one, I thought it would be interesting to compare it to America high school graduation. The first major difference is the atmosphere. I remember when I graduated from high school, everyone was excited and there was a buzz in the air. Finally, we could move on. But in Japan, or at least in my high school, the air is solemn and full of sadness. There is no excitement at all. So let’s go through this step by step. The ceremony is held in the gym, which is decorated with red and white striped banners that hang on the walls around the entire gym. Guests are seated in one section, teachers in another, PTA members in another, and first and second years in another. Yes, that’s right. First and second year students are required to attend the graduation ceremony for the third years. We even had a practice ceremony the day before so the students could perfect their standi...

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